Friday, January 15, 2010

All of them! More Gotcha Questions

All of them! Damn it they got her again. This has to be the dumbest person on Television. First Katie Couric tricks her and now Glen Beck baffles her, she just can’t hit any softballs. Oh I get it its McCain’s peoples fault for the way they are handling her. They should just let her speak and she will be fine. Oh that’s right they aren’t handling her anymore and she is speaking for herself. Oh I got it she should just answer the questions the way she did in the debate, by not answering them.

So what’s the problem now Palin, Glen Beck has it out for you? We know that damn Katie Couric had it in for you that crazy Liberal. Throwing out all those hard questions like; what newspapers do you read? Who the hell does she think she is? Now that damn crazy Glen Beck, who the hell does he think you are Einstein? Why would he ask you about the founding fathers? What a cheap shot! They don’t ask questions like that at beauty pageants. Why are they treating you so bad?

The sad truth is nobody has asked her any hard questions or treating her bad. She’s dumb and she wouldn’t know a founding father if she dating one. George Washington good guess name another one. This is a big sham, she is a disgrace and it is sad because she actually has a following. How dumb is “real America”.